Monday 22 August 2011

Revision - aromachemistry basics

Revision time - Eucalyptol (1,8 cineole), an OXIDE comprises upto 90% of eucalyptus oils, E. Globulus (Spain) 85% (pinene 10%, limonene 10%) E. Radiata (Australia) 80% (terpineol 10%) > E. Smithii (South Africa) 75% (pinene 10%), > E. Stageriana (Brazil) 10% (Citral 25%), E.Dives nil, Piperitone 50%, phellandrene 30%, cymene 10%.
aromachemistry basics in 5 minutes, sketch out - C, H, O, H2O, CO2, O2, electrons to complete outer shells, H -1, O -2, C-4. terpenes (isoprene unit,) oxgenation C-C-0-H on the end alcohol, C-C=O on the end aldehyde, C=O + OH on the end acid, C-0-C in the middle ester, C-C=O,C in the middle ketone, now list alcohols, aldehydes,esters, ketones, phenols, terpenes (mono sesqui) in the 40 study oils, list effects and same headings alcohols, aldehydes,esters, ketones, phenols, terpenes (mono sesqui) in the 40 study oils,


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