Anatomy and Physiology
Core Element
Course Component
MinimumContact Hours/
Distance Learning.
Minimum Student
Self-directed Study Hours
Anatomy & Physiology
An emergency first aid at work certificate is required prior to the final examination. This can be acquired independently from a local college or as a class with tuition is by an external qualified tutor.
Recommended Online A&P, pathology Provider
VTCT Level 3 Certificate in Anatomy, Physiology and Pathology for Complementary Therapies, UK & International
Anatomy and Physiology Inhouse Programme £500 includes:
Section 1 - Bones and Joints
Section 2 - Muscles and Movement
Section 3 - Circulation, Lymph and the Immune System
Section 4 - Nervous System and Hormonal System
Section 5 - Urinary System and Digestive System
Section 6 - The Skin and Respiratory System
Section 7 - Reproductive System, Structure, Growth and Ageing
The in-house Anatomy and Physiology course is assessed by:
Attendance of the course - 50 hours contact teaching
Completion of assignments
1 hour written examination
The Anatomy and Physiology distance course is assessed by continuous assessment through essay and multiple-choice questions. The certificate will be a College certificate.
See outline above, 5 conditions per area
Anatomy of the Human Body -
Circulatory System (warning these are Youtube videos of public demonstrations fpr educational purposes)
Todd Bucks Illustrations
Facebook - Reflexology group
Shirley Price Swiss Reflex Good Health DVD
Youtube introduction to Swiss Reflex
Its reflexology diploma week at the Shirley Price Aromatherapy College
The reflexology diploma with Jan Benham at
Shirley Price Aromatherapy, 8 Hawley Road, Hinckley, Leicestershire LE10
0PR T: 01455 615466
Included in this five day module is:
Reflexology treatment and techniques
Preparing your treatment space
Aromatherapy and Reflexology for the elderly
Foot and lower leg massage
Foot care treatments
History of Reflexology
Problems relating to the feet
Body relations
Reflexology in conjunction with other complimentary therapies
The effects of Reflexology
Client Examination technique
Contra indications and Indications
Filling out a client record sheet
After the course, the student has to complete 20 treatments before taking both a written and practical exam. The cost of both the exams is 100
Workshops UK 2013
Shirley Price Aromatherapy, Hinckley, Leics.
Aromatherapy seminar 11am - 4pm
Reflexology diploma 10am - 4pm
Aromatherapy and reflexology for the elderly 10am - 4pm
How to Make Mineral Makeup 11am - 4pm
How to make natural makeup 11am - 4pm
Aromatherapy for Emotional and Mental Health 10am - 4pm
The creamy craft of cosmetic making 10am - 4pm
The Art of Soap Making 10am - 4pm
Federation of Holistic Therapists
Association of Reflexologists
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