Wednesday 25 May 2011


Whatever path our activity takes, if our intention is to make ourselves useful to others, there is a good chance our conduct will be useful; whereas activities generally considered to be good, such as the practice of religion, risk causing more harm than good if they are not motivated by a desire to help our fellow beings.  Dalai Lama
No one is more religious than the Dalai Lama.  Religious observance helps to develop compassion for others.  I was once puzzled that he felt compassion even for soldiers in a conflict inflicting injury on others and mediated on this.  Some time later I experienced a frightening vision which had all the appearances of reality. The scene was one of executions of men and women observed I suppose from a height of 50 feet.  This was followed by scene of aiding others and the risks people will run to aid others even at the peril of their own lives.
Part of the complex work of the holistic therapist is to look at the individuals intentions.  Are they making themselves sick or ill by what they think.  Do certain patterns and habits of thought predispose individuals to illness.  Doctors rarely become ill despite treating the sick.  Are the good intentions of Doctors themselves a shield against illness?
Dr Bach certainly thought so.  His flower remedies and pattern of treatment are used as much now as ever.  Particularly the popular rescue remedy.

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