Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Holistic health 2010 - Occupational Therapy call for case studies

It was a great pleasure to talk to Jane Harrison at Holistic Health. Jane and Helen Sanderson and Judy Ruddle do groundbreaking work in occupational therapy with severely disabled people using essential oils, the sense of smell and sense of touch to promote communication and learning. The results speak for themselves. (British Journal of Learning Disabilities 1995). If anyone would be interested in contributing case studies to Jane for an update to the excellent book - Aromatherapy and Massage for people with learning Disabilities (1991) this looks a possible project for 2010. Let me or jane know

Self publishing books has never been easier and we are very happy to support books in the core areas of the aromatherapy diploma

The essential oils
Essential oil chemistry
Blending and using essential oils
Aromatherapy massage
Anatomy & Physiology - Body systems
Clinical aromatherapy
Aromatherapy for pregnancy and childbirth
Baby massage
Aromatherapy and massage for people with learning difficulties
Aromatherapy in Hospices
How to succeed as a therapist


  1. Nice Post !

    It is very useful & informative post as a student of occupational therapy university I can use all these information for my project and also help me in my exam preparation.

    Thanks for it

  2. Very informative post. As a student of aromatherapy I found this post very useful.
