An excellent description of an aromatherapy treatment can be found in Shirley Price's workbook as well a description of the concept of medicine involved in complementary health. ref Pages 174-6. The company's records contain over a hundred similar treatments.
Shirley Price's aromatherapy workbook can be opened at random and contains on every page both inspiration and information. That is why Shirley Price's aromatherapy workbook remains an international bestseller.The oils used in the consultation described are Thyme,Sweet and Bergamot, Sandalwood and Juniper. Basil.
It is a question which fascinates Doctors. Why do doctors treat sick people day in and day out and not fall ill? There is clearly more to illness and medicine than an invasion by bacteria and prescription of antibiotics. The question doctors dont have time to dwell on and holistic therapists do is the question not 'how am I ill?' but 'why am I ill?'. Environmental factors and stress in relation to that environment clearly play a considerable part and holistic therapists are trained to offer diet and lifestyle advice as well as treatments for specific care issues.
Shirley price's books contain many reference to the work of Franchomme and Dr Penoel. Their work L'aromatherapie exactement contains a description of a interesting study comparing the electrical charge of differant essential oil components. Negatively charged esters are for example relatively cooling and relaxing while positively charged plant alcohols are stimulating and warming.
Armed with a knowledge of the chemical composition of essential oils and their effects it is possible for aromatherapists to choose an appropriate mix of oils for their clients needs and bear in mind the safety issues.
Chemical constituents: Acids, Alcohols (mono), Alcohols (sesqui), Aldehydes, Coumarins, Esters, Ethers, Ketones, Lactones, Oxides, Phenols, Terpenes (mono), Terpenes (sesqui).
Their effects: Abortificient, Analgesic, Air Antiseptic, Antiseptic, Anticoagulent, Antifungal, Anti-infectious, Anti-inflammatory, Antispasmodic, Antiviral, Bectericidal, Balancing, Cicatrisant, Decongestant, Digestive, Diuretic, Expectorant, Hepatic, Hypertensive, Immune system balancer, Lipolytic, Mucolytic, Neurotoxic, Phototoxic, Relaxant, Sedative, Skin irritant, Skin sensitising, Stimulant, Temerature reducing, Tonic (nerve) uplifting, Tonic (general), Vasoconstrictive ref Shirley Price's Aromatherapy Workbook p53-55.
As ever complex concepts are explained in an accessible way leaving the student wanting to find out more rather than feeling overwhelmed.
Pictured are Farfalla's training rooms in Zurich where modules 2,3 and 4 of the Shirley Price Aromatherapy international diploma are held as well as in the UK. Module one is delivered in country.
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